Explore Spring Blooms

We’re here to bring your garden dreams into reality!

Mums the Word
The garden centers are stocked with fresh mums, grown right here at Sargent's!
We've got all the seasonal decor to brighten up your fall.
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Experience A Tropical Oasis

Coffee, plants, and friends – Your Houseplant Haven Awaits!

Mums the Word

Sargent’s is your source for fresh, locally grown Mums. Both locations are fully stocked on all Fall decor!


Shop online or find a garden center near you!

Order gift cards, schedule delivery of bulk products such as rock or mulch, and reserve tickets to upcoming events and workshops. We work hard to give you the flexibility to shop from the comfort of your own home. Check back often as we continually update our online store with seasonal products for your garden and home. 

Located at 7955 18th Ave. NW in Rochester, MN, this is your seasonal outlet for quality landscaping goods and supplies, featuring display gardens and a demonstration pond. Our focus on customer service guarantees a leisurely, worry-free shopping experience. Plant materials, including large landscape trees and evergreens, may be delivered to your door from Sargent’s North. We supply bulk landscape goods, paving and wall materials, and limited water garden supplies.

At 1811 2nd St. SW in Rochester, MN, this is our convenient downtown location open year-round, featuring a wide variety of annuals, perennials, bulbs, gifts for the gardener, and specialty items such as bird feeders, and an extensive assortment of pottery. With the recent expansion of our greenhouse space, we have nearly quadrupled our already impressive selection of houseplants and tropicals.