
Summer is when our landscape maintenance efforts come full circle and we’re able to enjoy the fruits (sometimes literally) of our labor. With continued maintenance throughout the summer, you are investing in the beauty and longevity of your landscaping. Below are the key areas to focus on during the summer months. 

Landscape Beds 

Keep up with weeding! Left unchecked, weeds can quickly begin to overwhelm other plants in your garden. Consistent weeding will help your plants thrive and maximize the beauty of your landscape. Apart from weeding, deadhead your perennials to encourage repeat blooming. 

For any new plants, water weekly; equivalent to 1 inch of rain per week.  

If you have herbs in your garden or would like to cut flowers for an indoor arrangement, morning is the best time to harvest. This will keep them from wilting and your herbs will be at peak flavor.  

Trees and Shrubs 

Continue to inspect your trees for any issues. Common summer concerns are pests such as Japanese beetle, Emerald Ash Borer, other borer species, and Scale. Also keep an eye out for nutrient deficiencies such as chlorosis. 

Japanese Beetle
Chlorosis – caused by nutrient deficiency

Summer is also a great time to prune many shrubs. Spring blooming shrubs can be pruned after the bloom has finished. Hedges can be trimmed after the first flush of growth. Arborvitae and Juniper can be pruned after new growth has emerged. ‘Candle’ prune spruce and pines by pinching back the soft candles as needed for shape.  


Mowing your lawn during the summer months is likely something you are very familiar with. But here are a few tips to help keep your lawn looking its best.  

  • Mow often enough as to only remove 1/3 of the grass height 
  • Raise your mower height as summer progresses: taller grass holds up better to drought and heat 
  • Vary your mowing pattern to avoid creating ruts 

Your lawn should receive about one inch of water each week. If mother nature isn’t providing, supplement with a hose or sprinkler. Water overnight or early morning when you will have less loss due to evaporation.