The Power of a Prairie
“Do what you can, with what you’ve got, where you are.”
This is a quote by Squire Bill Widener which was adopted as a philosophical mantra by Theodore Roosevelt. He proposed that “The greatest happiness is the happiness that comes as a by-product of striving to do what must be done, even though sorrow is met in the doing.” Earth Day is a perfect time to reflect on this mantra, especially when we consider the value that Roosevelt placed on the natural world.
Taking Action on Climate Change
The gravity of the climate crisis is monumental. The scope and scale at which it is often presented reflects this. It is, after all, a global crisis. And yet, there is an unintended side effect from discussing it at this magnitude. It creates a sense of hopelessness. A sense that nothing you do, as an individual, will have an impact. That’s where Theodore Roosevelt’s philosophy comes into play – reject the instinct of hopelessness that accompanies large scale issues. Focus on what you CAN control. Sargent’s is working on a project aimed at doing just that. We cannot solve the climate crisis ourselves. But we can work within our means to create something beneficial for the environment and our community.
Less than 2% of Minnesota’s original 18,000,000 acres of native prairie habitat remains today.
Native Prairie Restoration
Sargent’s has set aside 3 acres of land adjacent to our growing facilities to restore to native prairie habitat. This process began last fall with a prescribed burn. This removed existing invasive weeds and grasses. Additional land management techniques will be applied throughout the 2022 season. The final step will be to seed the area with native prairie grasses and wildflowers. This will create habitat for more than just plants. The greater Minnesota ecosystem relies on native prairies. They are critical in supporting pollinators, birds, rodents, reptiles, and so much more.
Many Hands Make Light Work
3 acres of native prairie won’t solve the climate crisis. But it represents our commitment to take action instead of inaction. It represents our commitment to give back to the community that has supported us for over 50 years. Our ability to pursue projects such as this is a direct result of your support. When you make a purchase, share a post (like this one!), or attend an event at Sargent’s, you contribute to environmental projects. When you consider the cyclical nature of this relationship, the true essence of Bill Widener’s quote begins to emerge. The cumulative effect of many people supporting a common goal results in big change. So thank you for your support and follow along as Sargent’s continues to do what we can, with what we’ve got, where we are.
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